Our Team

South Asian, Queer, Woman, POC Therapist

Azra Mowlana (She/Her)

My typical client struggles with anxiety, low self worth, unsatisfying relationships, and possibly a history of trauma. They may have insight, however, struggle with finding the tools to step into empowerment. We work collaboratively in directly and honestly addressing core issues to achieve concrete, noticeable results.

I utilize a variety of interventions including EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), family systems work, art therapy, and talk therapy. All modalities used are researched based to ensure the effectiveness of treatment.

I strongly believe in the ability of my clients to create more rewarding relationships, self worth, and overall wellbeing. Feel free to reach out for a free phone consultation to see if the treatment I provide is the best next step for you or if I have referrals that may be of better support to you.

Britt Kusserow (She/They)

Most of my clients identify as queer and/or neurodivergent, often struggling with low self-confidence, high anxiety, or OCD. I work relationally, with an emphasis that you are the expert on your experiences. My education and observations can be relevant when utilized in a collaborative, rather than instructive way. Progress looks different for everyone, but often looks like a decrease in general distress, and/or increase in your confidence that you can handle difficult things!

As a white-bodied, queer individual raised in the church, I recognize the importance of acknowledging the harm religion causes our community. My framework is informed by postmodern, anti-racist, narrative principles and by my personal experiences. I am well versed in ERP, DBT, religious trauma, and affirming treatment for queer people of faith.

Sometimes, taking the first step can be the most daunting. Your free consultation can help you take that first step, even if the journey doesn't continue with me!