Seven Ducks Therapy

Queer therapists, spouses, standing close together and smiling

We (Azra Mowlana and Britt Kusserow) are spouses, and licensed Marriage and Family Therapists in California. We share a passion for working with queer individuals and couples. Recognizing the greater needs and issues of queer individuals, and particularly queer people of color, we started Seven Ducks Therapy with the goal of utilizing our complementary backgrounds and experiences to provide treatment for those most often overlooked or left un-mirrored.

The name “Seven Ducks Therapy” comes from our wedding. On our wedding day, seven ducks landed on the lake next to us as they shared our vows. The significance of seven being auspicious in both our spiritual backgrounds, we decided to use this as an anchor to symbolize the hope and interconnectedness that we recognize to be the driving force of therapeutic change.

Let’s get your ducks in a row!

Request a Consultation

Your twenty minute consultation is free, and can help you
take the first steps on your therapeutic journey,
even if they don’t continue with us!